The Mother-son Equation

     When I was pregnant with Varun, PV & I wanted a girl very badly. We both chose only girl names & the one boy name we could come up between the two of us was the name of our AC 'Blue Star'. I went through 20 hrs of labor pain & the nurse in the delivery room asked us to say to the baby to come soon. So both PV & I promptly used the girl name & the nurse gave us a weird stare. Finally they had to do a C-sec as we both were going into distress.
    After the baby was born, the Dr woke me & showed that its a boy. I was very disappointed at that moment & turned my face (Not my proud moment). But when they got me back to the room after 3 hrs I was stunned by seeing him since he was the exact replica of me in my childhood. From that moment I fell head over heels in love with Varun.
    Till recently i was sure that both boys & girls love their mom/dad the same. Whenever the discussion that mothers love their son more than daughters i used to feel such anger in me. I felt i was equal to both of my parents. But from the last month or so i'm visibly seeing the difference & after much analysis i have to say yes Mother-son & Father-daughter equations do exist. I was close with both my parents. But i was always quick to get angry with my mother than my father.
    Varun looks out for me so much. When i pick him from school, he'll say 'Amma, I missed u so much today'. If he does some naughty work & when I say 'I wont talk to you or touch you' he'll fight tooth & nail to get a hug & kiss from me. Even when PV says dont disturb mom while sleeping, he'll hug me & say bye when he's leaving.
    Recently the 3 of us went shopping. We were checking out earrings for PV's niece & Varun took a earring & said 'Amma, these would look good on you'. I didn't even look but asked him to keep it back. He kept insisting & PV looked at it & said 'Anu it really is nice. Check it out'. It was infact very pretty & suited me.
    The minute we came home, he asked me to wear it & when i did his face was beaming with pride & he said 'I told u na this would look good on you.' I was choked with tears since all my life my mom was the only person who used to get me big big earrings to wear. In that moment i was able to see her love & Varun's unending love for me. Today I wore the earring while picking him up from school & he called out to the watchman 'Uncle, Look mom is wearing a new earring' and tomorrow he wants me to drop him wearing the earring so that his teachers could look at itseems.
    Mom-Daughter relationship is more of friendship but Mom-son is first love. I'm so lucky to experience the love with Varun.


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