The Long Awaited Vacation - Part 2

     On friday(Jan 17) I woke up around 6.30 and geared up with hoodie and walked outside. Two doggies Ladoo & Boondhi greeted me. The caretaker called out and i was able to see just two bisons from a herd of atleast 50 to 60 on a nearby grassland. We had breakfast and got to pluck fresh strawberry & Potatoes from their backyard. It was a unique & beautiful experience.
    By 11, they took us on a Jeep drive to a nearby Waterfalls called Chilanthiyar. This place is accessible only by Four wheel rides that too only jeeps and by walk. There was no roads only small boulders and by the time we reached down to the falls my legs were literally shaking with fear. The water was super cold and Varun enjoyed walking in them. The walk down was steep and enjoyable.The walk up literally left me out of breath and we super struggled to reach our jeep.

     The Jeep ride to the top of the hill was one of the most unforgettable experiences in my lifetime. My dad sitting in the front wore the seat belt and didn't make a sound till we reached solid grounds. Varun was adamant & sat next to me. At one point our vehicle slipped, started going backwards & the vehicle lurched and both of us were almost thrown out. We hanged on to the rope handles for dear life. I was never more scared in my life. We then went to Strawberry farms to get a glimpse of the red delights & the way they are farmed.
     We spent the rest of the day at our homestay with books and card games. Varun had super fun by climbing up & down the bunker bed. The temperature dropped down to almost ~7 or 8 C. On Saturday I again woke up early and this time Varun also came with me but the Bisons had already gone home. We started back from there & all of us especially Varun was sad to return. Again when we reached the Parambikulam forest it was fully foggy and we were not able to see anything in front of us. PV climbed up to a Tea estate for photo shoot & on the way down he slipped and came crashing & this particular scene was caught on camera. Any takers?

     We were already late to start from Vattavada and to add up to this we were stuck in traffic near Eravikulam National Park for 3 hrs!!! People parked their cars, tour buses & Vans on both the sides of the road. So now our Formula One racer PV had to make up for lost time and Varun who usually doesn't wear seat belt wore it on his own and slept. The one good thing of us being late was we were able to see a wild Elephant in Anamalai Reserve & also a monkey was irritated with us for not sharing any food & pissed on our car side mirror especially at PV.
     By the time we reached my dad's place in Yelagiri it was 11.30 in the night & we were all tired. The next day PV, Varun and I reached Chennai. Its a month since our vacation & even now at times Varun asks "Amma, Can we go to Vattavada?"


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