Women Centric Books


I'm on my 35th book now and I realized that I have read quite a few books with strong women characters that inspire us to think big and achieve them too. This blog is about a few of those books. 

Dear Mrs.Naidu by Madhangi Subramanian
"Never Apologize for wanting something. Just find another way""He has a second chance & he doesn't want to take it. He didn't lose hope. He gave it up." The above two phrases in the book stood out so much because of the rawness & truth in them. This book is about a girl who tries to improve the condition of her school through the means available to her. A child should not be fighting for her/his education. The government & society as whole should work towards making education available for all. I would rate this book 4/5 for narration & captivating story telling.

The mother I never knew by Sudha Murthy
Sometimes a book surprises us and leaves you in tears while reading. This is one such read. The book contains two Novellas about Strong Mothers who put their children first and struggled for their betterment. The Author's simple narration style has left me in awe. 5/5 for such a beautiful book.

The Lioness of Morocco by Julia Drosten
This ebook was given free as part of Amazon's World Book Day deal. This is about an English Woman who goes to Morocco and creates an Empire for her family at a time and in a place where women were not allowed to even step out. I would rate 4/5 for this.

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
This book is about a orphan girl who was adopted unwillingly by a woman and her brother. The girl and her antics will have you in splits. The author paints a picture with her words and i ended up living in the era of the book. Such a wonderful and positive read. I would rate 5/5 for this book.

Love in Exile by Ayse Kulin
The life of atleast Four generation of women are captured in this lovely book. The love between a Muslim girl and a Non-Muslim boy that triggers a series of event is covered in this book. A modern Muslim father who educates his daughter but finds it hard to adjust to the current change in events is portrayed beautifully. Again a 5/5 for this heartbreaking book.


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