My Favorite Fruit!!!

    Jampaica/Rose Apple/Water Apple/Malay Apple/Paneer Koiya these are the different names of the same fruit and these are my absolute favorite. Its sweet, a bit tangy & juicy. Usually we eat with some rock salt & chilly powder.
    In my native, this tree used to grow in my Aunt Padma Athai's home. I used to go there & eat all the fruit!!! When my father planted some fruit trees in our farm my only request was for these fruits & the plant that he had never bore any fruit till the end. Every time i used to go, i literally searched the plant with a fine tooth comb for any sight of fruit. When I was pregnant with Varun my craving for this fruit was at its peak & I used to cry wanting them. Appa got me huge bunch when we went to native & I happily munched on them and didn't share even a small piece with anybody(Crazy!!!!!)
    When Appa shifted to Yelagiri, I again asked him for this plant & he planted 4 to 5 plants knowing how crazy mad I am for these. And these trees didn't disappoint me!!!!They give soooooo much fruit. My favorite among these is the red ones and unfortunately every time it bears fruit I was not able to go. And Appa used to drive me mad by sending photos of them. Sometimes he took pity on me & couriers them. It was not as tasty.
    This time when I went for vacation, the malay apple(white) tree was full of ripe fruits & I would have eaten atleast a Kilo while I was there. But the ones that enjoy them most is Castle & Shadow my pet dalmatians. The fruits are on low branches so Castle just grabs & feasts on them. And these fruits are best for diabetic & both the dogs are never gonna be diabetic. Hopefully me toooooo.
    These fruits are very costly in Chennai. It is Rs.200 for 1/4 Kilo & very rare to find too. If you head out to Yelagiri, my father would be more than happy to share his bounty....


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