The super duper Mango Rice


    Its Sunday night & I'm sulking around the house thinking of the week ahead, planning the menu in my head and basically picking up fights with my boys(PV & Varun). All i wanted to do was cry that my weekend got over. So as a pick me up I was watching Youtube in the TV & was browsing randomly.
   I came across Nee's Kitchen Mango Rice & started watching due to the riot of colors. By the time she was sauteing the mango mixture PV was drooling at the mixture and of course the mortor & pestle. Then he started dropping hints about making it at home. Anu, Namma ithe vettule panrathuku antha Ammi kal illala(For us to make this at home, we dont have the mortar-pestle right). Note the word Namma(us) here. We'll deal with that in a separate blog.
    Luckily for him I had some mango lying around & I made the recipe on Monday for lunch. Something to look forward on a Monday. Head over to Nee's Kitchen @youtube for the recipe video and her awesome collection of recipes. Follow her on instagram to catch a sip of daily filter coffee & her witty posts.

1) This is not a review or promotional post. Just wanted to share something that I enjoy.
2) The picture doesn't do justice to the taste. Please try cooking this one. 


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