Eulogy to Man's Best Friend

    We had a dog called Pepsi. She came to our home when I was 8 years old. She was a gentle soul who loved car drives, cuddles in bed with us & very very fond & protective of my brother. She had a flaw. She hated little kids & bald men. Her son was Ruby & he used to love beaches so much. When I was in 12th std on the day of my final exams Pepsi passed away.
    I was not able to be without dogs & got Sweety. This poor soul suffered from seizures & her teeth stood out in all directions. She gave birth to only one pup & that was Chikku. Pepsi's grandson. He inherited the best of family traits.
    He is very fond of me as I was always cuddling him as the pup. He was very fond of kids. Especially my niece Rini. He used to follow her around & when she was upto some mischief he used to bark & alert us. He used to drink from Rini's bottle after she slept & cuddle next to her.
    When I got married to PV, Chikku was very suspicious of him & didn't allow him into our room. After bribing from PV by taking for car drive he accepted him. When i lost my mother Chikku refused to eat for atleast a week & cried & slept in front of her photo.
    When I introduced Varun to Chikku he accepted him & protected him even though Varun used to torture him. He was very jealous of Castle and was very upset with me for getting Castle. Till the last he was not able to accept Castle. Whenever I went to Yelagiri Chikku was the most happy to see & greet us.
    Last week he left us to join his heaven. He was a dog to others but to my family & me he was our best friend, son, child & brother. I thank you for giving our family a chance to experience your unconditional love. Love you a lot & will always miss you Chikku!!!


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