
   One fine weeknight, I took my journal to jot down some ideas for this blog & my husband PV walks in & is curious about what I'm doing. I go ahead & share my blog interest. His first request, "Do a blog but don't share in Instagram, Facebook/What's App because our friends will read!!!!!" So folks who know both of us, STOP!!!DO NOT PROCEED FURTHER!!!

   PV is literally shaking when i say I'm gonna share not just recipes & reviews but my rant, my opinions, my ideas etc etc. Now he's seriously thinking of quitting all social media & social interactions with other fellow humans!!!PV I'll try & keep you out. But no guarantees!!!!

   I always loved reading books. But once one of PV's uncle asked me, "Since you read so many books, why don't you try writing too?" I immediately rejected the idea saying that i have no patience/ not talented or no time. But i found myself often writing essays in my mind!!! Also my cousin Lakshu & I decided to do a recipe blog atleast 2 years back. Finally this New Year I wanted to give this a try. My mind is never calm, its either planning for future or my dream homes(More than one!!!), my vacations & so many other things. Between my beautiful son Varun, PV & my work, I have got a monotonous life. So i thought let me put words to my ideas & see where it takes me.

   In 2019 I'm planning to,
  • Eat more healthy home cooked food. 
  • Read atleast 52 books in a year(1 book a week)
  • Squeeze some physical activity into my life 
  • Spend some quality time with my family
And finally to be more patient & pro-active in life. Basically to add more colour to my life & try out new things.

So I ask each & everyone one of you reading this to give me a shot of encouragement to pursue my quest!!!


  1. Expected this a long before.. So finally u r in.. Keep writing, we deserve to read from u more!! All best babe

  2. Thank you dear. Means a lot!!!!


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