Date Night!!!

   It's Christmas vacations for Varun & he had gone to my dad's place to have a much needed break with his cousins Eashwar & Rini. And at home its just PV & me back from work on Friday with Salary in hand(Yay!!!)Also Petta trailer was trending in Youtube & PV contributed to atleast 200 views. He played it in home theatre & in car.(Huff!!!)
   We decided to go out for dinner & after much planning for atleast 1 hour we zeroed on 'Bistro 100' in Velachery. We started from home & reached in 20 minutes!!!Thanks to long weekend & vacations, Chennai roads were officially not congested anymore. We decided on the menu from home so didn't waste any time in ordering. Since it was a 'Date Night' PV pulled all stops & didnot use his mobile(Gasp & Faint!!!). We talked, laughed, had calm conversations(Very rare) & finally food arrived. We had only ordered Starters & Main course since i had made 'Microwave Chocolate Mud cake' & Black coffee.
    So all things considered, it was a fun Date Night & a much needed one for the two of us.



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