Coffee - The Elixir of my life


    Growing up I hated the smell of coffee powder mixed with milk & the making of tea actually made me sick. So I didn't care for them both. But it all changed when I started reading novels(I swear!!!) Some books made black coffee sound so delicious & after trying I too liked it. Same with black tea. Judgement was still out on adding milk to them.
    PV is tea lover through & through. But my tea making skills drove him to drink black coffee/black tea at home & he enjoyed his regular chai at tea shops near our place. One fine day years back we went to Cafe Coffee Day & I tried Cappuccino. It was love at first sip(Blush!!!). And this exception is still only for Cappuccino.
    Over the years I tried different instant coffees & they never tasted good. Then I tried the filter coffee grounds & the coffee started tasting better. Now finding the correct equipment for filter coffee is very important. I tried the traditional filter, French Press & finally the Percolator Espresso Maker(Moka Pot) was the winner.
   Now on most mornings, I make coffee in Moka Pot, then blend the milk to make it creamy & frothy, mix in little sugar & Im in coffee heaven. I wake up at 4.45AM to make a cup & sit for 20 minutes with my book. This little time gives me such pleasure. I even converted PV to the early morning coffee(Small victory!!!)


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