4 Down 48 more to go!!!!

    I have taken up a challenge to read 52 books this year one book every week. And yes its a mountain of a challenge. My saturdays are whole lot of reading & less of other life.
Book 1 : True Believer by Nicholas Spark
    The book is about a how a guy from New York city falls in love with a woman in a small county in North Carolina. Sorry to say but the book was boring. I thought i could not go wrong with Nicholas Sparks!!! Had to force myself to finish. Too many unwanted things clubbed together to form a very flat book. I would give this book 2/5.
Book 2: The Wedding Tamasha by Sudha Nair
   Few years back PV gifted me a Kindle & though i love reading I was never a fan of ebooks. Physical books especially Hardcovers are my favorite. So I read books by authors who i have never read before in my kindle. There has been times when i loved the ebook & got the physical book to add to my collection. Now coming to this book, I have to say i liked it. The book is about a married woman & the events that occur in her life. It was entertaining & kept me hooked up. I would rate it 4/5.
Book 3: Split Second by David Baldacci
    My first book of this author was 'One Summer' which was about a family losing their loved one. I started reading that book around the time my mom passed away & immediately closed it. Eventually after a few years I read the book & i liked his narration. the next book was 'Sixth Sense' a King & Maxwell series & from that time this author is a regular in my reading list. Coming to this book, its about 2 Secret Service agents, how they fell victims to a psychotic sociopath & proved their innocence & went on to start a private investigative agency. I read in Kindle since i got it for Rs.19 in a deal. I enjoyed the book so much and will rate it 4/5
Book 4: Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
    Everybody knows about the movie Princess Diaries but the book is entirely different & a feel good light read. Though the pages were less & it was good book it took me almost 1.5 weeks to finish. It was not a compelling read i guess. Its about the Diary of a 14 yr old school girl who turns out to be the princess of a European nation. Its a good read & i would rate it 3/5
    So that is it for now hopefully i'll get to continue the challenge with everything that is happening around me.


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