
Showing posts from June, 2019

Book Reviews 5 & 6

Book 5: Rusty by Ruskin Bond        A few years ago I got to read a book of this author & from then Im a huge fan of his works. His books are for children mostly but they have so much message & frankly anybody can read them. This book is about the childhood of the author himself. His life with his grandfather was so adventurous & laugh out loud funny. But nearing the end the author will make you cry for the little boy. The book was so engaging, entertaining, thought provoking & I would give a 5/5. Book 6: Saraswati's Intelligence        I don't know if I like this book or not. It is a good read but unfortunately it resembles Game of Thrones & the White Walkers too much. The part about the various Hindu God were good but a bit dry at some places. When I started reading the book I was in a dark place with respect to my faith in God. But this book gave me a good boost of positive energy. Overall I would give this book a 3/5. But in some places you

Naachiyaar - A movie

      The summer is so hot & cruel in Chennai. Scorching Sun, unbearable heat & never ending water scarcity led to the one ultimate destination the TV in our room with me watching endless movies & series on weekend & after office. PV & I use the other rooms only when necessary. We watch atleast 5 movies on the weekend alone thanks to Amazon Prime, Hotstar & Netflix. Instead of taking the book challenge, I could have taken movie challenge. (BTW I have completed 20 books so far)      One such evening out of boredom I started watching 'Naachiyaar' in Prime. Only during the title card did I know that the movie was directed by Bala. Now i prepared my mind to expect a dark story. Boy I was wrong!!! The movie stars Jyothika as Naachiyar a strict, honest & short-tempered police officer who tries to find a minor rape victim 'Arasi' who is now full 9 months pregnant. The person suspected is again a minor boy 'Kaathu' portrayed by G.V.Praka