
Showing posts from May, 2019

The King of Fruits: Mangoes

            Mango is not just a fruit its an emotion. My love for mangoes either raw or the juicy ripe fruit has no bounds. For Varun's 1st birthday I baked a Mango Cake. Every year when we travel from Chennai to Ngl I used to drool at all the mango farms & literally beg PV to get them directly from the farm. But so far I have not been lucky. He's not a easy person to convince & doesn't do anything in an impulse.       My friend in college taught me the trick of mixing Jaggery + sambar powder. This combo is so addictive as it has sweet, sour, taut, spicy everything wrapped in one mouthful. Before marriage I spent a year in native & in Nagercoil there are 2 mango seasons. One in Summer & the other in December. We had a few trees in our farm & one among them was the Neelam variety(Kili mooku/Thothapuri). Whenever my mom sees mango she makes pickles out of them. I fought with her & refused to share the raw mangoes from that tree. There were atleast

Eulogy to Man's Best Friend

    We had a dog called Pepsi. She came to our home when I was 8 years old. She was a gentle soul who loved car drives, cuddles in bed with us & very very fond & protective of my brother. She had a flaw. She hated little kids & bald men. Her son was Ruby & he used to love beaches so much. When I was in 12th std on the day of my final exams Pepsi passed away.     I was not able to be without dogs & got Sweety. This poor soul suffered from seizures & her teeth stood out in all directions. She gave birth to only one pup & that was Chikku. Pepsi's grandson. He inherited the best of family traits.     He is very fond of me as I was always cuddling him as the pup. He was very fond of kids. Especially my niece Rini. He used to follow her around & when she was upto some mischief he used to bark & alert us. He used to drink from Rini's bottle after she slept & cuddle next to her.     When I got married to PV, Chikku was very suspicious o