
Showing posts from May, 2020

Lockdowns 2020

    Every sunday, my mom, dad & myself would go out for a long drive for atleast an hour or two, where we talked about anything & everything. This was one of the rituals I inherited from my parents and on March 15th Sunday, PV, Varun & I went out for our usual car drive to Mahabalipuram via ECR. We never thought that it would be a while before we could go back again. So on the next saturday when they announced the Janta Curfew, Varun kept asking why cant we go out in the car & we pacified him saying we'll go next week. And then came the lockdowns & we explained to him about the Corona Virus outbreak & the reason we cant step outside our homes.    Today after a month & a half, I stepped out with PV to stock our monthly supplies as there was no online delivery in our area through BigBasket & Amazon. And the local supermarkets are also not delivering. Varun was excited thinking that he would also accompany us. Had to again break his bubble & s