
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Minty Affair

    My love for Mint has no bounds. I like the flavor & freshness it brings to a dish. One of my favorite chocolates in York - Peppermint patties. Unfortunately we dont get this in India & whenever someone in my office brings a bag of chocolates from their abroad trip my hands go to this. And one more added advantage is not many like this chocolate & so more chocolates to me. Yaay.      If you are following me on Instagram or Facebook you would have known what happened at my house last week. I ended up with 3 bunches of Mint, 2 bunches of Coriander & one bunch of curry leaves. And i couldn't bring myself to waste them as they are all my favorite. So i ended up making lots of things with them.      So the first thing i did was separate the mint leaves from the stalks. It took me almost 2 hours to do this. I turned on the TV & just sat doing. On the second day, i dried one bunch of mint leaves in the shade for making dried mint leaves that can be used for G

The Mother-son Equation

        When I was pregnant with Varun, PV & I wanted a girl very badly. We both chose only girl names & the one boy name we could come up between the two of us was the name of our AC 'Blue Star'. I went through 20 hrs of labor pain & the nurse in the delivery room asked us to say to the baby to come soon. So both PV & I promptly used the girl name & the nurse gave us a weird stare. Finally they had to do a C-sec as we both were going into distress.     After the baby was born, the Dr woke me & showed that its a boy. I was very disappointed at that moment & turned my face (Not my proud moment). But when they got me back to the room after 3 hrs I was stunned by seeing him since he was the exact replica of me in my childhood. From that moment I fell head over heels in love with Varun.     Till recently i was sure that both boys & girls love their mom/dad the same. Whenever the discussion that mothers love their son more than daughters i used